Matobox is an original work imagined and developed by Poly SOK in May 2023.

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What is Matobox ?

Matobox is a game designed to train you in mental arithmetic while playing an extremely fun game. It offers different levels of difficulty to allow you to always play with pleasure.

You can even submit your score if you succeed in the game! But be warned, the world is full of little geniuses who are particularly good at math, and making it into the top 20 is not for the faint of heart! Unless you are a genius yourself…

Why Matobox ?

Because apart from children, nobody does mental arithmetic anymore! Because of telephones and other computer tools, simple multiplications are done automatically by the machine and we don’t make the effort to do it mentally anymore.

We are getting dumber and dumber and our brains are getting fogged up a little more every day. Mental arithmetic, like other brain exercises, allows us to clean our brains and accelerate our thinking without any tools! Don’t let the machine rule the world (entirely) !

Ok… But why is Matobox free and ad-free ??

Because the world needs people who are not driven by money but just by the beauty of things. I will find another way to make money !

And advertising sucks. Especially the wild advertising that pollutes free apps Paying for an app that brings us added value is fair. Forcing us to pay to remove ads doesn’t bring any added value.